Friday, February 8, 2008

: : Not All It's Cracked Up To Be : :

Influenza A. It's not all that great. Well, it's not great at all. Not one part of it.
Not the 102.6 degree fever.
Not the vomitting.
Not the horrible cough.
Not the body aches.
Not the sore neck.
Not the sore throat.
Not the doctor's visit.
Not the doctor shoving a swab into my nasal cavaties.
Not my wife not being able to stay in the same room as me.
Not missing work (and subsequently, the paycheck that comes along with actually working).

I quit. I'm done with the flu. They say it only takes getting it once before you decide you never want to get it again and start getting the vaccinations. Here's to getting a prick in the arm next year before flu season.

1 comment:

KeeleyMarie said...

Yikes! Hope you feel better!

Thanks for giving me the link to your blog, it is a good way to keep up with you and Sara.

I will be home for mid-winter break, and I expect to see you two-well basically you three:)!! If you are all healthy that is!

take care.